Friday, 14th March 2025
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District Court

On this page

Cause Lists

A daily list of the cases to be heard in these State Courts. The list is updated late in the day if you wish to check the list for the following day.

South Australia district court Pages catering for the general public.

Fees & Costs

  • Filing Fees
  • Court and Tribunal Fee Waiver Guide
  • For work after 1/7/11 go to page 177.
    For work prior go to page 174. (Note: Increased by 1.8% for work after 1/08/07. Total increase by 6.1% for work after 1/10/08 other than 4a and 16ai. Total increase by 9.7% for work after 1/10/09 except for 4a and 16ai which are increased by 3.4%). Total increase by 12.6% for work after 1/10/10 except no further increase on 4a and 16ai. The Law Society has a Table of Schedule 1 Costs by Date for members.
district court

District Court - Contacts

Sir Samuel Way Building
241-259 Victoria Square
Adelaide SA 5000

GPO Box 2465, Adelaide, 5001
DX 2465 Adelaide

General Enquiries/Chambers (08) 8204 0189


Phone: (08) 8204 0289
Fax: (08) 204 0544


Phone: 8204 0289
Fax 8124 4642

Office Hours : The Civil and Criminal Registries are open from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

Courts Administration Authority

Foolkit links to only a selection of key information on South Australian Courts - if you can't find it here, then chances are that it is at

Please read and observe their Disclaimer and Copyright.

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Civil Staff

Ian Phillips - 8204 0289

Senior Deputy Registrar
8204 0188

Deputy Registrar Civil
AB Faunce-de Laune - 8204 0282

Deputy Registrar PTC
Di Hoban - 8204 0192

8204 0302

Supervisor Registry Services
Julianne Kouts - 8204 0270

Listings Co-Ordinator
8204 0296

Caseflow Management Clerk
Paul Mancini 8204 0283

Client Services Officer
8204 0285

district court

Criminal Staff

Listings Clerk
8204 0485

Client Services Co-Ordinator
8204 0484

Data Management Clerk
8204 0483

Registry Clerk
8204 0423

Administrative & Disciplinary Division

General Enquiries
8204 0285

Deputy Registrar
Dianne Hoban 8204 0282

Tribunal Clerk
Sarah Holiday 8204 0285

Tribunal Clerk
Corinna Whiting 8204 0287

Criminal Injuries Compensation

Deputy Registrar
Dianne Hoban 8204 0282

Tribunal Clerk
Corinna Whiting 8204 0287

Warden's Court

Tribunal Clerk
8204 0287

South Australia 3 district court

Crown Solicitors Office


Level 9, 45 Pirie Street
Adelaide SA 5000

GPO Box 464
Adelaide SA 5001

Phone: (08) 8207 1720
Fax: (08) 8212 6161


Australian Government Solicitor

Level 18 Grenfell Centre
25 Grenfell Street
Adelaide SA 5001

DX 105 Adelaide

GPO Box 2150
Adelaide SA 5001

Phone: (08) 8205 4211
Fax: (08) 8205 4499

ERD Court

Environment, Resources and Development (ERD) Court

This is a specialist court set up to deal with disputes, and the enforcement of the laws, that relate to the development and management of land, the natural and built environment and natural resources.

Address & Phone

Ground Floor, Sir Samuel Way Building
Victoria Square, Adelaide 5000

GPO Box 2465 Adelaide 5001
DX 458 Adelaide

Telephone 8204 0289
Fax 8124 9898
Emergency AH 0412 914 402


Ian Phillips - 8204 0187

Deputy Registrar:
Chris Byron-Scott - 8204 0281

Supervisor Registry Services:
Julianne Kouts - 8204 0270

Listings Co-Ordinator:
Jim Davoli - 8204 0296

Client Services Officer Listing:
Glenda Potts - 8204 8410

Client Services Officer Listing:
Michael Raine - 8204 0298

Client Services Officer:
Rhianna Toolan - 8204 0300